Types of brain dysfunction. Which do you have? Brain health. Optimize brain health. Prevent cognitive decline. Reverse cognitive decline.

From Fog to Focus: A Guide to the 6 Types of Brain Dysfunction and How to Reverse ThemThe 6 Types Of Brain Dysfunction

Are you struggling with persistent brain fog, unexplained fatigue, or memory lapses that disrupt your daily life? You’re not alone! Many people, just like you, find themselves grappling with similar cognitive challenges, often without understanding why. And while it’s tempting to chalk these symptoms up to stress or aging, they could actually be signs of…

exercise, movement, fitness, how to create an optimal exercise routine, how to begin exercising, exercising for health, pictured is a girl stretching in her living room

How To Exercise To Prevent Early Aging & Cognitive Decline

I used to be the person who hated exercising, refused to sweat, and had no idea that my lack of moving was actually raising my body’s level of inflammation. Then I stumbled across functional medicine and its root cause approach to creating a healthy life that simultaneously prevents chronic disease, early aging, and cognitive decline.…

Comparing an anti-inflammatory food plan to the keto-flexitarian food plan

Anti-Inflammatory Diet Versus Keto-Flex: Which Is Better?

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly being bombarded with advertisements for this diet or that one. Smoothies, keto, vegan, carnivore, potato. Potato? Yes, potato.  It’s confusing isn’t it? Based on my research, training, and personal experience, I’ve found that a general ant-inflammatory diet and a keto-flexitarian diet work best for most people.  I…