I’m a weirdo and don’t like chocolate, peanut butter, or coffee, so sometimes finding a homemade, keto-friendly dessert can be really hard. Side note, click here to learn why I tend to eat a higher fat, lower carb diet. Back to desserts. I stumbled across this cheesecake fat bomb recipe from Keto-Mojo and am hooked!…
How To Prevent Early Aging With An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
I love my family to death, but several family Christmas gatherings ago I was looking around and realized that none of us were free of diagnosed medical conditions. Most of my family members are overweight and have some sort of metabolic issue whether it be hormone related, heart disease, or diabetes. Half of us have…
Anti-Inflammatory Diet Versus Keto-Flex: Which Is Better?
I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly being bombarded with advertisements for this diet or that one. Smoothies, keto, vegan, carnivore, potato. Potato? Yes, potato. It’s confusing isn’t it? Based on my research, training, and personal experience, I’ve found that a general ant-inflammatory diet and a keto-flexitarian diet work best for most people. I…
How To Heal The Gut: Your Journey to Freedom from Digestive Distress
Do you ever have those days, weeks, or even months where you almost constantly battle belly bloating, gas, pain, or discomfort? Trust me, I’ve been there too. It seemed like an endless cycle of feeling heavy, sluggish, and frustrated with how my clothes fit. I blamed myself, thinking it was due to overeating or indulging…
How To Eat To Prevent Cognitive Decline
When I first started my health journey, I ran across a new diet claiming to keep you young forever just about every week. I was constantly changing what and how much I ate, but I never felt any different. At that point, I was just trying to get slim and healthy, and maybe prevent some…
My Favorite Quick & Easy Fool-Proof Recipe to Boost Brain Health
As a busy dog mom, wife, pharmacist, and wellness professional, I don’t usually have time to cook elaborate meals. I don’t even have human children yet, so I can only imagine how crunched for time all you moms and dads are out there. I’m also aiming to stay in mild ketosis to optimize my…
How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth for Free
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably always looking for an easy way to save a buck. A couple months ago I got a crazy idea to add up how much I was spending on chicken and vegetable broth each month. Since I’m busy and need quick and easy meals, I ended up using way…
Top 6 Easy & Delicious Meatball Recipes
If you’re anything like me you know you should cook your meals instead of eating out all the time and you really want to, but you just don’t have much time to devote to learning different cooking techniques or finding and testing out new recipes just to watch many of them fail. I get that.…
8 Steps To Prevent Early Aging & Cognitive Decline
I’ve been trying to create healthy habits for the past 10+ years, but over the past few the reason behind those habits has changed. I used to be obsessed with “looking good” and “feeling young forever.” Now I want to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and the aches and pains of early aging. Why the…
5 Small Kitchen Appliances That Are Actually Worth The Money
I don’t know about you, but every time I turn around I feel like there’s a new small kitchen appliance that everyone just has to have to make the latest and greatest food stuffs. Not only do I not want to spend all kinds of money on every new small kitchen appliance out there, I…