Brain health is the optimization of the many factors that contribute to brain and cognitive function in order to allow your body to achieve its highest expression of health.

Since there are over 36 factors that contribute to brain health, getting started can be overwhelming. 

To make optimizing your brain health easier than ever, I’ve put together my favorite brain boosting supplements that I find myself recommending over and over again. 

I call it the “Better Brain Basics.” 

It’s designed to cover the foundations of brain health at the biochemical level and works best when paired with a brain-forward lifestyle – feel free to check out the following posts about some of those specific lifestyle factors.

You can find the entire protocol within my online dispensary by clicking here. If you have not made a free account yet, feel free to do so. 

Let’s dive into what makes up the Better Brain Basics protocol.

1. Multivitamin

A high-quality comprehensive multivitamin acts as nutritional insurance for the body and brain. Each of the brain’s many chemical reactions requires several different nutrients that you may or may not be getting from your diet. My favorite multivitamin serves to fill in the gaps and give extra nutrients when needed. You can read more about it by clicking here.

If you don’t already have a free account through my online dispensary, feel free to make one!

2. Chelated Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most widely used nutrients in the body, over 300 different reactions! One of its vital roles is to transport energy molecules to where they are needed. Since the brain is one of the top energy users in the body, magnesium is a must for brain health.

Unfortunately, about 40% of the people in the United States are deficient in magnesium. No wonder we’re all tired and can’t think properly! 

Plus, only certain forms of magnesium are readily absorbed into the body to be used by the cells. This is why we use Magnesium Citrate for constipation – it stays in the gut.

That’s why I recommend a chelated form. This means the magnesium is bound to an amino acid instead of a regular acid, which enhances absorption into the body and also makes it easier on your stomach. 

You can read about the one I recommend here, after creating a free account for my Fullscript dispensary.

3. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body better handle the stressors of our world. Stress is a direct brain toxin, so this part is really important. The one I recommend can be found here.

You can also check out the post I wrote all about stress by clicking here.

Please do not take this herb if you are pregnant or nightshade intolerant.

4. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

NAC is the precursor molecule to our body’s master antioxidant, glutathione. Antioxidants clean up all the crap our bodies and brains encounter every day – both from our environment as well as the toxic byproducts of our daily chemical processes.

Unfortunately, many times we don’t have enough antioxidants to deal with all the toxic elements in our bodies and brains. This is why supplementing can be really beneficial, especially while you’re working on transitioning to a more brain-forward lifestyle.

To take a closer look at my favorite NAC, click here.

5. Comprehensive Probiotic

Our gut and brain do a lot more talking that you might expect. So much so, in fact, that it now has a name – the gut-brain axis. 

I go more in depth on this connection in a separate blog post. However, the basics are rather simple. The gut informs the brain about the environment and the brain provides feedback on how to respond. 

One of the biggest components of this gut-brain axis connection is the microbiome – all the microbes that live within your gut. While this may sound gross, they actually make us healthier. Our microbes help interpret our environment for us, make certain nutrients and other body chemicals that impact the brain, and even keep infections from setting in.

This is why a comprehensive probiotic makes my top list every single time. My favorite one can be found here.

6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids With A Kick

Omega-3 fatty acids are the anti-inflammatory fats commonly found in fatty fish like salmon. Most people eating a Standard American Diet don’t get much of this type of fat at all, instead eating vast amounts of the more pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.

The omega-3s help keep your brain cell membranes healthy and keep inflammation under control. 

My favorite omega-3 supplement is actually a combination product that has some brain bonuses – citicoline and bacopa. These brain super fuels provide additional support for attention, focus, and memory. Who wouldn’t want that? 

You can find it in my Fullscript dispensary. Click here to check it out and make a free account.

7. The Better Brain Secret

This is a special blend of my remaining favorite brain-supporting natural compounds. Together, they help support healthy mood, cognition, and memory as well as various other aspects of brain health including energy production, mitochondrial support (the part of your cells that actually makes the energy), and additional antioxidant protection.

It also provides building blocks for critical structural components of the connections between nerve cells, so they can send signals properly.

All that complicated English to say that this blend is the real deal, especially when combined with the Omega-3 fatty acid combo from above. 

You can check it out by clicking here.

Please don’t feel like you need to go hunting for each individual component. I’ve put them all together in a Fullscript Protocol, complete with suggested doses, that you can access right from where you’re at.

Just click the button below to view the entire Better Brain Basics protocol and begin your brain health regeneration journey today!

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6 thoughts on “The Better Brain Protocol”

    1. Of course! Feel free to email me or schedule a free call together. The button to schedule a call is on the right side of the page and my email is on the contact page!

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